Wednesday, November 13, 2013

This always happens...

This always happens, life gets busy and I get neglectful.

I always try to find time to write, but it’s sometimes not just about timing it’s about inspiration or lack thereof.  Also, perhaps lack of brain capacity to think of anything other than uni assignments and work.

I have finished up for the year with uni (well in a full time capacity anyway, my idea of a lazy and easy summer is two units rather than four) my last exam was two weeks ago and I have just received all my results, yay for passing and a massive sigh of relief.

I always find at times like these bring a little reflection, another trimester finished only three more to go, one step closer to finishing and my dream of becoming a journalist. This time last year I was packing for a trip to New York, a trip that was an excuse for me to run away from some things in life that I was not happy with. When I look back to the person I was then, that person is vastly different to who I am now.

It’s quite overwhelming how much can change in 12 potentially insignificant months. This time last year I was utterly heart broken, my trust had been shattered along with my confidence. It’s not something I speak much about, however when I look back now I am so happy with how far I have come.

What may seem insignificant for some people are leaps and bounds for myself. I have found a happiness that I didn’t know existed and I am so excited that I have managed to find this happiness on my own. As soppy and sappy as that sounds, it’s amazing for me. I just hope that while life is bound to throw me more curve balls that I can remember that I am able to come out the other end a better, happier and stronger person.

Anyway this is really not all that interesting for most just a little reflection for myself.

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